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vBHELP.pl - polskie wsparcie vBulletin
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  • 1 Autor Grzegorz
  • 1 Autor Grzegorz
  • 1 Autor Grzegorz
  1. #1
    moruta jest nieaktywny Użytkownik
    Mar 2011

    Domyślnie Instalacja modyfikacji PhotoPlog lite 2.0.6


    Nie instalowałem jeszcze nigdy modyfikacji, ale mam zamiar zainstalować wymienioną w temacie, jednak nie wiem od czego się zabrać. W związku z czym mam kilka pytań:
    1. W Folderze z modem znajdują się foldery:"forum", "products", "photoplog". Gdzie mam wrzucić poszczególne pliki?
    Tu jest jakaś instrukcja, ale nie bardzo wiem o co tym chodzi:
    In the ZIP archive find the /photoplog directory, open the PhotoPlog
    config.php file in a TEXT ONLY editor, and set the full path to your main forum
    directory (check with your host if you are not sure of the full path)

    2) In the ZIP archive again find /photoplog and FTP all the contents
    inside the /photoplog directory into a directory named photoplog on your server,
    keeping the same structure as in the ZIP file

    3) Set 777 permissions on the photoplog 'images' directory on your server, as necessary
    (use chmod or FTP to set 777 permissions on the photoplog 'images' directory if needed)

    4) In the ZIP archive find /forum and note how the directory structure is the same as it
    is on your vB board, so FTP the files inside the PhotoPlog /forum
    subdirectories into the equivalent vB directories

    5) In the ZIP archive find the product-photoplog.xml file for your version of vB and
    import that product-photoplog.xml file as a product via the vB ACP
    (vB ACP -> Plugin System -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product)

    6) Go to vB ACP, refresh your index page, and look for the PhotoPlog group
    (set your setting/usergroup permissions/etcetera via the PhotoPlog group)

  2. #2
    Awatar Grzegorz
    Grzegorz jest nieaktywny Ja tu tylko sprzątam
    Jan 2008
    1 620
    Przydatne posty


    Co konkretnie jest dla Ciebie niezrozumiałe? Bo nie o to się tutaj rozbija, żebym Ci tłumaczył instrukcje instalacji na polski?
    moruta uważa to za przydatne.
    Potrzebujesz stylu dla swojego forum? Chcesz przenieść styl z vbulletin 3 na vbulletin 4? Pisz PW

  3. #3
    moruta jest nieaktywny Użytkownik
    Mar 2011


    Gdzie mam wrzucić dane foldery:
    Folder --w nim-->folder

    Forum --> admincp, includes
    Photoplog --> buttons, starts, images, oraz oraz 15 plików php.

    Oraz jak uzupełnić (co gdzie wpisać) plik config:

    // ################################################## ######################
    // ####################### START CONFIGURATION ############################
    // ################################################## ######################

    // set the full path to your main forum directory: if you are not sure of
    // the full path, look in your vB config file for $config['Misc']['forumpath']
    // and see if there is a value present - if not, ask your host about it or
    // try the getcwd function: PHP: getcwd - Manual


    /************************************************** ************************
    PhotoPlog Lite License
    ================================================== =========================
    This software is as-is, no warranty of any kind, use at your own risk.
    You are granted free use of this software. However, you are not permitted
    under any circumstances to redistribute the software, whether in whole or
    in part. Also, the 'powered by' links must remain intact and visible. Make
    sure to understand that this is *not GPL software. Do not redistribute it,
    and do not use parts of it in other software. This software is copyrighted
    in its entirety to 'calorie' a/k/a ThinkDing LLC 2005, all rights reserved.
    The software author/entity are in no way responsible for your site content.
    All copyright notices and 'powered by' links must not be changed or removed.
    ************************************************** *************************/

    // ################################################## ######################
    // ######################## END CONFIGURATION #############################
    // ################################################## ######################


  4. #4
    Awatar Grzegorz
    Grzegorz jest nieaktywny Ja tu tylko sprzątam
    Jan 2008
    1 620
    Przydatne posty


    Tak powiem na wstępnie, że nigdy nie miałem styczności z tym modem, ale wszystkie się instaluje podobnie. Zawartość folderu Forum masz wrzucić do głównego katalogu forum. Czyli jak masz np masz moja-domena.pl/mojvb to pliki i katalogi z Forum wrzucasz do mojvb. Teraz tak: katalog Photoplog również wrzucasz do głównego katalogu forum.

    to wypełniłeś źle:
    według tego co ja zrozumiałe z instrukcji powinna się tam znaleźć mniej więcej taka ścieżka:
    W załączniku dałem Ci plik php, którym wyświetlisz tą ścieżkę
    Załączone pliki Załączone pliki
    moruta uważa to za przydatne.
    Potrzebujesz stylu dla swojego forum? Chcesz przenieść styl z vbulletin 3 na vbulletin 4? Pisz PW

  5. #5
    moruta jest nieaktywny Użytkownik
    Mar 2011


    Dzięki, zrobiłem tak jak radziłeś, jednak podczas importu produktu pojawia się komunikat "No insert phrasetype!"

  6. #6
    Awatar Grzegorz
    Grzegorz jest nieaktywny Ja tu tylko sprzątam
    Jan 2008
    1 620
    Przydatne posty


    Coś jest nie tak z xmlem, pewnie jest uszkodzony. Spróbuj może pobrać moda jeszcze raz.
    moruta uważa to za przydatne.
    Potrzebujesz stylu dla swojego forum? Chcesz przenieść styl z vbulletin 3 na vbulletin 4? Pisz PW

  7. #7
    moruta jest nieaktywny Użytkownik
    Mar 2011


    Niestety ten Mod jest chyba uszkodzony. Ale znalazłem podobny działający (plik xml importuje się), jednak po wgraniu strona nie działa. Coś musi być nie tak w plikach php. Nie wiem co tam zmienić. W instrukcji pisze tak:
    *** How to Install:

    In your Admin Control Panel

    Admincp => Plugin System => Manage Products
    Click [Add/Import Product]
    Browse for the file "product-gallery_home.xml"
    Allow Overwrite: On

    ================================================== =====
    Edit: php file|

    **** If you have made this edit before from a different vBgallery hack you can skip this step.

    - Edit:

    - Find:
    require_once(CWD . '/includes/class_core.php');

    - Below Add:
    require_once(CWD . '/includes/functions_gallery_store.php');

    ================================================== =====
    Edit: Settings |
    Admincp => vBulletin Options => vBGallery - Forumhome
    Change setting
    A tu pliki:
    //////////////////////////// COPYRIGHT NOTICE //////////////////////////////
    // This script is part of PhotoPost vBGallery, a software application by //
    // All Enthusiast, Inc. Use of any kind of part or all of this //
    // script or modification of this script requires a license from All //
    // Enthusiast, Inc. Use or modification of this script without a license //
    // constitutes Software Piracy and will result in legal action from All //
    // Enthusiast, Inc. All rights reserved. //
    // PhotoPost PHP Photo Sharing Gallery with vBulletin Forum Integration legal@photopost.com //
    // //
    // PhotoPost Copyright 2005, All Enthusiast, Inc. //

    ################################################## ###########
    This will "globalize" the needed $phrasegroup and $specialtemplates with 1 file
    edit so no other file edits are needed on hacks that need the gallery's:

    - $phrasegroups
    - $specialtemplates


    * This will add all the needed file edits for gallery add-ons.
    * This will work on ALL VB powered pages
    * This will work on vBAdvanced CMPS pages
    * This will work on vPortal pages and Blocks


    - Edit:

    - Find:
    require_once(CWD . '/includes/class_core.php');

    - Below Add:
    require_once(CWD . '/includes/functions_gallery_store.php');

    - Upload this file to /forums/includes
    ################################################## ############

    // ################### PRE-CACHE TEMPLATES AND DATA ######################

    if (PHP_VERSION < '5.0.0') {

    // get special phrase groups
    $phrasegroups = array_merge($phrasegroups, array(

    // get special data templates from the datastore
    $specialtemplates = array_merge($specialtemplates, array(

    PHP5.x - ONLY
    The behavior of array_merge() was modified in PHP 5.
    Unlike PHP 4, array_merge() now only accepts parameters of type array.
    However, you can use typecasting to merge other types.

    // get special phrase groups
    $phrasegroups = array_merge((array)$phrasegroups, (array)array(

    // get special data templates from the datastore
    $specialtemplates = array_merge((array)$specialtemplates, (array)array(
    /* -----------------8/9/2006 6:20am -----------------
    Add Gallery Images to your Forum Index v1.8

    Tested on:

    * vBulletin 3.6
    * PhotoPost vBGallery v2.0

    Zachariah - Ground Zero Headquarters

    //Latest Images In ForumHome BEGIN


    $categorycache = unserialize($vbulletin->gallery_c_cache);
    $galleryoptions = unserialize($vbulletin->adv_gallery_opt);
    $gallery_permissions = unserialize($vbulletin->gallery_ugroups);

    if (!empty($vba_options))
    $vba_options = array_merge($vba_options, $galleryoptions);
    $vba_options = $galleryoptions;

    if (!$vba_options['gallery_active'])
    if (($permissions['adminpermissions'] & CANCONTROLPANEL) OR ($permissions['adminpermissions'] AND ISMODERATOR))
    $warning = $vbphrase['alert_gallery_turned_off'];
    $header = $warning . $header;
    $footer .= $warning;

    if ($vba_options['gallery_active'] AND $vbulletin->options['vbgactive']) // If Gallery and Hack is not active disable
    // Create a list of fields to be shown in the imagebit
    $showfield = explode(',', $vba_options['gallery_imagebitdisplay']);
    if (!empty($showfield))
    $showfields = array();
    foreach ($showfield AS $field)
    $showfields["$field"] = 1;

    if ($vbulletin->options['vbgbit_category'] == 1)
    $show['category'] = true;
    $showfields['title'] = $vbulletin->options['vbgbit_title'];
    $showfields['description'] = $vbulletin->options['vbgbit_description'];
    $showfields['rating'] = $vbulletin->options['vbgbit_rating'];
    $showfields['user'] = $vbulletin->options['vbgbit_user'];
    $showfields['dateline'] = $vbulletin->options['vbgbit_dateline'];
    $showfields['views'] = $vbulletin->options['vbgbit_views'];
    $showfields['dimensions'] = $vbulletin->options['vbgbit_dimensions'];
    $showfields['filesize'] = $vbulletin->options['vbgbit_filesize'];
    $showfields['posts'] = $vbulletin->options['vbgbit_posts'];
    $showfields['lastpost'] = $vbulletin->options['vbgbit_lastpost'];

    // ########################### Show Variables #################################
    if ($vbulletin->options['vbgnavbar'] == '1') // Disable Nav Bar
    if ($galleryperms['cansearchimages'])
    $show['search'] = true;
    if ($galleryperms['cansendimagetofriend'])
    $show['sendtofriend'] = true;
    if ($vba_options['gallery_showmodcolumn'])
    $show['modcolumn'] = true;
    if ($vba_options['gallery_allowsubscribe'] AND $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'])
    $show['subscribe'] = true;
    if ($vba_options['gallery_allowfav'] AND $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'])
    $show['favorites'] = true;
    if ($galleryperms['cancreatecategories'])
    $show['catmanager'] = true;

    $gallery_modcache = unserialize($vbulletin->gal_mod_cache);

    if ($permissions['adminpermissions'] & CANCONTROLPANEL)
    $show['modoptions'] = true;
    else if (!empty($gallery_modcache))
    foreach ($gallery_modcache AS $moderator)
    if ($moderator['userid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'])
    $show['modoptions'] = true;

    // ######################### Navbar Width ##########################
    $lnavrows = 3;
    if ($show['favorites'] OR $show['subscribe'] OR $show['catmanager'])
    if ($vba_options['gallery_newimagelimit'])
    if ($vba_options['gallery_popimagelimit'])
    if ($show['uploadlink'])
    if ($show['modoptions'])

    $navbarwidth = intval(100 / $lnavrows) . '%';

    if ($vba_options['gallery_newimagelimit'])
    foreach (explode(',', $vba_options['gallery_newimagelimit']) AS $ndatecut)
    $show['newimagenav'] = true;
    $dayphrase = construct_phrase($vbphrase['last_x_days'], $ndatecut);
    eval('$newimagenavbits .= "' . fetch_template('forumhome_vbgallery_newestbits') . '";');
    $show['newimagenav'] = false;
    eval('$newpostnavbits .= "' . fetch_template('forumhome_vbgallery_newestbits') . '";');
    eval('$gallerynav = "' . fetch_template('forumhome_vbgallery_nav') . '";');
    // ########################## end NAV #################################

    $bbuserino['usergrouparray'] = fetch_membergroupids_array($bbuserinfo);

    if (empty($galleryperms))
    $bbuserino['usergrouparray'] = fetch_membergroupids_array($bbuserinfo);

    if (empty($bbuserinfo['usergrouparray']))
    $bbuserinfo['usergrouparray'] = array(1);

    foreach ($bbuserino['usergrouparray'] AS $usergroupid)
    if (empty($gallery_permissions["$usergroupid"]))
    $usergroupid = 1;

    foreach ($gallerypermissionsbit AS $option => $value)
    if (!$galleryperms["$option"] OR in_array($option, array('moderateimages', 'moderateposts')))
    $galleryperms["$option"] = 0;
    if ($gallery_permissions["$usergroupid"]['gallery_perms'] & $value)
    $galleryperms["$option"] = 1;

    if ($privatecatids = fetch_private_categories())
    $privatecatids = explode(',', $privatecatids);

    if ($vba_options['gallery_homeexcats'])
    $vba_options['gallery_homeexcats'] = explode(',', $vba_options['gallery_homeexcats']);
    if (PHP_VERSION > '5.0.0') {
    $privatecatids = iif(empty($privatecatids), $vba_options['gallery_homeexcats'], array_merge((array)$privatecatids, (array)$vba_options['gallery_homeexcats']));
    $privatecatids = iif(empty($privatecatids), $vba_options['gallery_homeexcats'], array_merge($privatecatids, $vba_options['gallery_homeexcats']));

    if (!empty($privatecatids))
    $privcatids = 'images.catid NOT IN(' . implode(',', $privatecatids) . ') AND ';

    $galleryorderby = $vbulletin->options['vbgorderby'];
    $catlimit = $vbulletin->options['vbginclude'];
    $notcat = $vbulletin->options['vbgexclude'];
    $vba_options['gallery_columns'] = $vbulletin->options['vbgcolumn'];

    $bbcode_parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
    $query = fetch_image_fields();
    $cellwidth = round(100 / $vba_options['gallery_columns']) . '%';

    switch ($galleryorderby)
    case 2:
    $galleryorderby = 'views DESC';
    case 3:
    $galleryorderby = 'posts DESC';
    case 4:
    $votequery = 'IF(votenum >= ' . $vbulletin->options['showvotes'] . ', votenum, 0) AS votenum, IF(votenum >= ' . $vbulletin->options['showvotes'] . ' AND votenum> 0, votetotal / votenum, 0) AS voteavg,';
    $galleryorderby = 'voteavg DESC, votenum DESC';
    case 5:
    $galleryorderby = 'RAND()';
    $galleryorderby = 'dateline DESC';
    $counter = 0;
    $getrand = $db->query_read("
    SELECT imageid, images.title, images.description, filename, thumbname, originalname, extension, images.catid $query[fields]
    FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "adv_gallery_images AS images
    WHERE valid = 1 $ignquery
    " . iif(!empty($catlimit), "AND images.catid IN ($catlimit)") . "
    " . iif(!empty($notcat), "AND images.catid NOT IN ($notcat)") . "
    ORDER BY $galleryorderby
    LIMIT ".$vbulletin->options['vbglimit']."

    while ($images = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($getrand))
    $adv_sorturl = '&amp;catid=' . $images['catid'];
    $gal_imagebits .= construct_imagebits($images);
    $gal_imagebits .= construct_empty_cellbits($vba_options['gallery_columns']);


    // ### Update the template to have the path qualified ###
    $gal_imagebits = str_replace(array('"showimage.php', '"browseimages.php'), array('"' . $vba_options['gallery_url'] . '/showimage.php', '"' . $vba_options['gallery_url'] . '/browseimages.php'), $gal_imagebits);

    //Latest Images In ForumHome END
    $placement = $vbulletin->options['vbgplace'];

    if ($placement != 7)
    { // auto placement by choice
    switch ($placement)
    case 2:
    $placement = '<body>';
    case 3:
    $placement = '$header';
    case 4:
    $placement = '<!-- what\'s going on box -->';
    case 5:
    $placement = '<!-- end what\'s going on box -->';
    case 6:
    $placement = '<!-- end logged-in users -->';
    $placement = '$navbar';
    if ($placement != '<!-- end logged-in users -->')
    $search_text = $placement;
    $vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMHOME'] = str_replace($search_text,
    $search_text.fetch_template('forumhome_vbgallery') ,$vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMHOME']);
    $search_text = $placement;
    $vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMHOME'] = str_replace($search_text,
    $search_text.fetch_template('forumhome_vbgallery_w ho'),$vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMHOME']);
    // Place $vbgallery in FORUMHOME template for custom location
    eval('$vbgallery = "' . fetch_template('forumhome_vbgallery') . '";');
    //Latest Images In ForumHome END
    Sorry za te cytaty, ale inaczej się nie da


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67