1) Upload all contents in the upload folder.
2) Go to the admincp of your vBulletin installation and navigate to the vBCMPS tab. Click on 'Add Page' and select Module page.
Settings for page;
Page title: news
Page identifier: news
now save.
3) Now go to the vBCMPS tab again and hit 'Add module', now choose for PHP File Module. Under file to include choose news_in_portal.php
Settings for module;
Module title; Just type something
Module parent; none
Initialize BB Code Parser; yes
Initialize Forum Permissions; yes
Clean file output; yes
Use Module Wrapper Template; no
4) Now place the module on the page you created @ step 2.
5) Type the following url in the browser;
http://www.your_forum.com/?pageid=[Page identifier (step2!)]&t=[Thread number]
6) For a demo check out here:
nie mogę zrozumieć drugiego punktu,ktos wie o co chodzi ?