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  1. #1
    Awatar WoG
    WoG jest nieaktywny vB Specialist
    Feb 2008
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    Domyślnie Photoplog PRO


    Jestem w posiadaniu moda photoplog pro.

    Chciałem zrobic coś takiego, żeby na stronie głównej pojawiła mi się tabela z losowymi wybranymi miniaturkami jak jest to np na > http://se-center.info < ale nie wychodzi mi to jakoś :/

    Oto mój readme:

    ++++++++++++      PhotoPlog Copyright © 2001-2006 ThinkDing LLC - All Rights Reserved      ++++++++++++
    ++++++++++++        This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part        ++++++++++++
    ++++++++++++     PhotoPlog Pro is NOT free software :: visit photoplog.com for details     ++++++++++++
    Backup, backup, backup. Now proceed. :)
    PhotoPlog Pro NEW Installation
    1) In the ZIP archive find the /photoplog directory, open the PhotoPlog
       config.php file in a TEXT ONLY editor, and set the server path to your main forum
       directory (check with your host if you are not sure of the server path)
    2) In the ZIP archive again find /photoplog and FTP all the contents
       inside the /photoplog directory into a directory named photoplog on your server,
       keeping the same structure as in the ZIP file
    3) Set 777 permissions on the photoplog 'images' directory on your server, as necessary
       (use chmod or FTP to set 777 permissions on the photoplog 'images' directory if needed)
    4) In the ZIP archive find /forum and note how the directory structure is the same as it
       is on your vB board, so FTP the files inside the PhotoPlog /forum
       subdirectories into the equivalent vB directories
    5) In the ZIP archive find product-photoplog.xml and import the product-photoplog.xml
       file as a product via the vB ACP
       (vB ACP -> Plugin System -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product)
    6) Go to vB ACP, refresh your index page, and look for the PhotoPlog group
       (set your setting/usergroup permissions/etcetera via the PhotoPlog group)
    PhotoPlog Pro UPGRADE Installation
    1) In vB ACP, revert any changed PhotoPlog templates
    2) Delete the old PhotoPlog ZIP file (do not use anything inside the old file - do not
       follow the old README.txt - nothing - just disregard it all)
    3) In the new ZIP archive find /photoplog and FTP all the contents inside
       the /photoplog directory (except config.php) into the photoplog directory on your
       server, keeping the same structure as in the ZIP file, overwriting old files
    4) In the new ZIP archive find /forum and note how the directory structure
       is the same as it is on your vB board, so FTP all files inside the PhotoPlog /forum
       subdirectories into the equivalent vB directories, overwriting old files
    5) In the new ZIP archive find product-photoplog.xml and import the product-photoplog.xml
       file as a product via the vB ACP (do not uninstall the old version - do allow overwrite)
       (vB ACP -> Plugin System -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product)
    6) Go to vB ACP, refresh your index page, and look for the PhotoPlog group
       (set your setting/usergroup permissions/etcetera via the PhotoPlog group)
    PhotoPlog Pro UN-Installation
    1) Go to the vB ACP -> Plugin System -> Manage Products and uninstall the
       "PhotoPlog Pro: The Pro Gallery" product
       (vB ACP -> Plugin System -> Manage Products -> Uninstall "PhotoPlog Pro: The Pro Gallery")
    2) Delete all the PhotoPlog files you FTPed on install from your server
       (if you have shell access carefully try 'rm -r [photoplog directory]' to delete the
        photoplog directory, and remember to delete the PhotoPlog files from /forum too)
    3) Call admincp/index.php?do=buildbitfields from your browser to ensure its occurrence
    PhotoPlog Pro Comments
    1) Do not mess with the files in the 'images' directory as PhotoPlog 
       considers names to prevent duplicates
    2) File types currently uploadable: GIF, JPG, PNG, gif, jpg, png
    3) Want thumbnails on forum home and/or member info? Use $photoplog[thumbnails]
       and/or $photoplog[minithumbnails] right after $navbar appears in the
       FORUMHOME and/or MEMBERINFO templates
    4) If you accidentally bunk the install/upgrade, redo it and then call the
       following: admincp/index.php?do=buildbitfields
    5) Accidentally UN-installing product-photoplog.xml via vB ACP will ruin
       your gallery without a MySQL backup available to reinstate
    6) Want a gallery link in postbit with count?
       Edit the vB postbit(_legacy) template:
    						$vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts]
       After add:
    						<if condition="$post[photoplog_filecount]">
    							<a href="/photoplog/index.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$post[userid]">$post[photoplog_filecount]</a>
    						<else />
    7) Want a gallery comment count in postbit too?
       Edit the vB postbit(_legacy) template:
    						$vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts]
       After add:
    						$vbphrase[photoplog_comments]: $post[photoplog_commentcount]
    8) Want a thumbnail popup selector of your images under the smilies box when making a forum post?
       Edit the vB editor_smiliebox template, placing the following at the very end of the template:
       <div class="smallfont" align="center">[<a href="#" onclick="openWindow('$vboptions[photoplog_bbcode_link]/selector.php?$session[sessionurl]e=$editorid', 585, 215, 'selector'); return false;">$vbphrase[photoplog_images]</a>]</div>
    Bawiłem się z tymi $photoplog[thumbnails] / $photoplog[minithumbnails] w forumhome ale bez zmian

    O co chodzi?

  2. #2
    Awatar gonzek
    gonzek jest nieaktywny Advanced Member
    Feb 2008
    Szczecin, Poland
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    juz sobie poradziles? jesli nie - daj znac.

  3. #3
    Awatar araj
    araj jest nieaktywny Advanced Member
    Jan 2008
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    za $header lub $navbar w templatce forumhome


    Kod php:
    da to efekt,jak u mnie - http://www.dobreforum.pl/index.php

  4. #4
    Awatar WoG
    WoG jest nieaktywny vB Specialist
    Feb 2008
    2 812
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    A no właśnie... a ja wstawiałem $photoplog[thumbnails] ;/

    Z poważaniem,

    Ty też możesz pomóc spolszczać vBulletin 5: GitHub.com
    "Rozczarowanie spowodowane niską jakością pamięta się długo po przeminięciu radości spowodowanej niską ceną"

  5. #5
    Awatar araj
    araj jest nieaktywny Advanced Member
    Jan 2008
    Przydatne posty


    jeszcze jest kilka innych chwytów - np. pokazywanie nowych fotek w "pokaż nowe posty" lub odnośnik do galerii usera pod jego avatarem:
     Want a gallery link in postbit with count?
       Edit the vB postbit(_legacy) template:
    						$vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts]
       After add:
    						<if condition="$post[photoplog_filecount]">
    							<a href="/photoplog/index.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$post[userid]">$post[photoplog_filecount]</a>
    						<else />
     Want a gallery comment count in postbit too?
       Edit the vB postbit(_legacy) template:
    						$vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts]
       After add:
    						$vbphrase[photoplog_comments]: $post[photoplog_commentcount]
     Want a thumbnail popup selector of your images under the smilies box when making a forum post?
       Edit the vB editor_smiliebox template, placing the following at the very end of the template:
    	<div class="smallfont" align="center">[<a href="$vboptions[photoplog_script_dir]/index.php$session[sessionurl_q]" onclick="openWindow('$vboptions[photoplog_script_dir]/selector.php?$session[sessionurl]e=$editorid', 585, 215, 'selector'); return false;">$vbphrase[photoplog_images]</a>]</div>
       If you get a JavaScript 'permission denied' error in your browser, use this instead where you
       may need to change photoplog in the openWindow link to match with your gallery directory:
    	<div class="smallfont" align="center">[<a href="$vboptions[photoplog_script_dir]/index.php$session[sessionurl_q]" onclick="openWindow('/photoplog/selector.php?$session[sessionurl]e=$editorid', 585, 215, 'selector'); return false;">$vbphrase[photoplog_images]</a>]</div>
     Want newest uploads and comment to appear on the vB search results page?
       Edit the vB search_results template:
       Edit the vB STANDARD_ERROR template:
    		<if condition="$navbar">
    		<else />
    		<br /><br /><br />
     Want the latest thumb to appear on the vB memberlist with gallery counts?
        Edit the vB memberlist_resultsbit template:
    	<td class="alt1Active" align="$stylevar[left]" id="u$userinfo[userid]">
    		<a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$userinfo[userid]">$userinfo[musername]</a>
    		<if condition="$show['usertitlecol']"><div class="smallfont">$userinfo[usertitle]</div></if>
    	Replace with:
    	<td class="alt2Active">
    		<if condition="$photoplog_memberlist_thumbs[$userinfo[userid]]">
    	<td class="alt1Active" align="$stylevar[left]" id="u$userinfo[userid]">
    		<a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$userinfo[userid]">$userinfo[musername]</a>
    		<if condition="$show['usertitlecol']"><div class="smallfont">$userinfo[usertitle]</div></if>
    		<div class="smallfont">$vbphrase[photoplog_gallery]: 
    			<if condition="$photoplog_memberlist_thumbs[$userinfo[userid]]">
    				<a href="$photoplog[location]/index.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$userinfo[userid]">$userinfo[photoplog_filecount]</a>
    			<else />
    		<div class="smallfont">$vbphrase[photoplog_comments]: $userinfo[photoplog_commentcount]</div>
        Edit the vB memberlist template:
    	<td class="thead" align="$stylevar[left]" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="$sorturl&amp;order=ASC&amp;sort=username&amp;pp=$perpage$usergrouplink">$vbphrase[username]</a> $sortarrow[username]</td>
    	Above add:
    	<td class="thead" nowrap="nowrap" style="width: 1px;">$vbphrase[photoplog_last_upload]</td>
     Want to be able to use advanced memberlist search to find members with uploaded files and/or comments?
        Edit the vB memberlist_search template:
    			<fieldset class="fieldset">
    				<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0">
    						$vbphrase[is_greater_than_or_equal_to]<br />
    						<input type="text" class="bginput" size="25" name="postslower" value="" />
    						$vbphrase[is_less_than]<br />
    						<input type="text" class="bginput" size="25" name="postsupper" value="" />
    	After add:
    			<fieldset class="fieldset">
    				<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0">
    						$vbphrase[is_greater_than_or_equal_to]<br />
    						<input type="text" class="bginput" size="25" name="photoplog_fileslower" value="" />
    						$vbphrase[is_less_than]<br />
    						<input type="text" class="bginput" size="25" name="photoplog_filesupper" value="" />
    			<fieldset class="fieldset">
    				<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0">
    						$vbphrase[is_greater_than_or_equal_to]<br />
    						<input type="text" class="bginput" size="25" name="photoplog_commentslower" value="" />
    						$vbphrase[is_less_than]<br />
    						<input type="text" class="bginput" size="25" name="photoplog_commentsupper" value="" />
        Edit the vB memberlist_search template:
    							<option value="posts">$vbphrase[post_count]</option>
    	After add:
    							<option value="photoplog_filessort">$vbphrase[photoplog_gallery_count]</option>
    							<option value="photoplog_commentssort">$vbphrase[photoplog_comment_count]</option>
     Want to show public albums on the member info page?
    	Use $photoplog[memberalbums] right after $navbar appears in
    	the vB MEMBERINFO template
     Want a gallery link on the vB navbar?
        Edit the vB navbar template:
    		<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[calendar]</a></td>
    	After add:
    		<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="/YOUR-PHOTOPLOG-DIR/index.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[photoplog_gallery]</a></td>

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