CZy mogl by mi ktos wytlumaczyc bardziej jak go zainstalowac na moim forum???
-Please Upload them in the post next time, its in the rules. Anyway I've already done it.
Let It Snow.
So, you want Javascript snow on your web site, eh?
Snowstorm is a Javascript-driven snow effect that can be easily added to web pages. It is free for use, and easy to set up. A single Javascript file provides the functionality required. No images are used for the snow effect.
I'd like to use this on my site.
This is all you need to get started:
PHP Code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="snowstorm.js"></script>
See this basic example for reference.
What kind of things can I customize?
You can adjust the snow speed, the amount of snow, the "wind", if and where it should stick (and if it should "melt"), and finally, whether the snow can react to the mouse moving (ie., "wind changes.") See Customizing Snowstorm for more.
And the Christmas Lights?
The christmas lights are a separate experimental script which also has an example. It is undocumented, but the script can be modified to taste if you're the adventurous type.
ZIP file, includes this demo page and source code.
* SnowStorm v1.4.20091115
Technical Notes
Snowstorm works under most of the old major browsers (IE 5.x+, Netscape 6+) as well as IE 6, 7, 8, Firefox, Safari and Opera, and the iPhone. If you are seeing snow as you read this, then the script is working as expected.
Snowstorm will eat up a lot of CPU, even on modern computers, because of the number of elements being moved around the screen at once. The basic example does have notably lower CPU use because it doesn't include the christmas lights, and the page layout is much simpler. Consider raising the animation interval, and lowering the amount of snowflakes (active and max) to help reduce CPU use.
One Javascript reference is required. Aside from customization, that's it!
PHP Code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="snowstorm.js"></script>
Customizing Snowstorm
Once you have Snowstorm running in your page, you can customize its properties either by editing the snowstorm.js file directly, or assigning new values to the snowStorm object after snowstorm.js has loaded.
For example:
PHP Code:
<!-- required snowstorm JS, default behaviour -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="snowstorm.js"></script>
<!-- now, we'll customize the snowStorm object -->
<script type="text/javascript">
snowStorm.snowColor = '#99ccff'; // blue-ish snow!?
snowStorm.flakesMaxActive = 96; // show more snow on screen at once
snowStorm.useTwinkleEffect = true; // let the snow flicker in and out of view
See this customized example in action.
Configurable Properties
Snowstorm can be fairly easily customized; some of the major properties are listed below.
snowStorm.flakesMax = 128;
Sets the maximum number of snowflakes that can exist on the screen at any given time.
snowStorm.flakesMaxActive = 64;
Sets the limit of "falling" snowflakes (ie. moving on the screen, thus considered to be active.)
snowStorm.animationInterval = 33;
Theoretical "miliseconds per frame" measurement. 20 = fast + smooth, but high CPU use. 50 = more conservative, but slower
snowStorm.flakeBottom = null;
Limits the "floor" (pixels) of the snow. If unspecified, snow will "stick" to the bottom of the browser window and persists through browser resize/scrolling.
snowStorm.followMouse = true;
Allows snow to move dynamically with the "wind", relative to the mouse's X (left/right) coordinates.
snowStorm.targetElement = null;
Element which snow will be appended to (document body if null/undefined) - can be an element ID string, or a DOM node reference
snowStorm.snowColor = '#fff';
Don't eat (or use?) yellow snow.
snowStorm.snowCharacter = '•';
• (•) = bullet. · entity (·) is not used as it's square on some systems etc. Changing this may result in cropping of the character and may require flakeWidth/flakeHeight changes, so be careful.
snowStorm.snowStick = true;
Allows the snow to "stick" to the bottom of the window. When off, snow will never sit at the bottom.
snowStorm.useMeltEffect = true;
When recycling fallen snow (or rarely, when falling), have it "melt" and fade out if browser supports it
snowStorm.useTwinkleEffect = true;
Allow snow to randomly "flicker" in and out of view while falling
snowStorm.usePositionFixed = false;
true = snow not affected by window scroll. may increase CPU load, disabled by default - if enabled, used only where supported.
snowStorm.vMaxX = 8, snowStorm.vMaxY = 5;
Defines maximum X and Y velocities for the storm; a random value in this range is selected for each snowflake.
Snowstorm has a few basic methods for controlling the snow effect.
Sets the wind speed with a random value relative to vMaxX and vMaxY properties.
Stops the snow effect in place.
Continues snowing from a "frozen" state.
Enables or disables the snow effect depending on state, same as calling freeze() or resume().
Freezes and kills the snowstorm effect, and removes related event handlers. Snowstorm will not work properly if other methods are called after stop().
Version History
Older versions
* SnowStorm v1.3.20081215
* SnowStorm v1.3.20081208
* SnowStorm v1.2.20041121a
* SnowStorm v1.2.20031218a
* SnowStorm v1.2.20031213a
* SnowStorm v1.1.20031206c
* Text-based snow (and color options) using "bullet" HTML entity • .. no more images!
* New snowMelt effect, resize + fade where supported
* New twinkle effect (like stars)
* New animationInterval, usePositionFixed, snowColor attributes, common attributes now public on snowStorm object eg. snowStorm.stick = true;
* Code passes jslint validation (2009-10-04 edition, default settings)
* Removed "collect" feature, somewhat-buggy and nobody used it
* Fixed sticky/recycle behaviour
* IE doctype rendering tweak: position:absolute used for "BackCompat" (HTML 4 transitional) DOCTYPE in IE.
* Fixed an annoying horizontal scrollbar positioning-related bug with wind affecting snow near the right edge.
* New snowStick (snow stickiness) and followMouse (dynamic wind) options.
* Four years later, we still have IE 6 and can't use position:fixed globally for "sticky" snow, but we're really close.
* Position:fixed used for all more modern browsers.
* Improved distribution of initial snow dump, new recycling.
* Focus/blur events (minus IE) for graceful pausing of snow, sparing user's CPU when window not in focus.
* Bonus smashable christmas lights demo, using SoundManager 2 and YUI DOM/Event libraries
* Cleaner, simplified event code, removal of old PNG wrapper stuff.
* Script moved into one file (snowstorm.js) for simplicity
* addEventHandler and PNG support functions updated
* Opera 7 ("O7") support added.. I think.
* Improved initialization speed (less snowflake objects on startup)
* Err.. That's about it.
* Netscape 6.x "sticky" snow behavior fixed (now works)
* IE:mac bug event handler bug fixed (script should now work)
* Snow collection feature added
* Snowflake speed is relative to size (Cheap pseudo-3D effect)
* Initial release