• Rejestracja
vBHELP.pl - polskie wsparcie vBulletin
  1. #1
    daras1978 jest nieaktywny Początkujący
    Jan 2010

    Domyślnie Nagły wzrost obciążenia procesora.

    Witam mam duzy problem soś stało sie na moim forum strasznie wzrosło obciążenie procesora dochodzi do 15-25 próbowałem odinstalowac różne mody i.t.p, nic nie pomogło , online jest okolo 6-70 osób, forum 3.8.4. na vps. dostałem wiadomosc od admina
    zapytania mysql  ktore obciazaja
    | 205045 | admin_strona | localhost | admin_strona | Query   |  393
    | Copying to tmp table | SELECT COUNT(thread.threadid) AS threads,
    thread.postuserid, thread.dateline, user.userid, user.user |
    | 205136 | admin_strona | localhost | admin_strona | Query   |  322
    | Locked               | UPDATE forum SET
            threadcount = 172,
            replycount = 517,
            lastpost = 1267674439,
            lastposter = 'r |
    | 205172 | admin_strona | localhost | admin_strona | Query   |  257
    | Locked               | SELECT forum.*, NOT ISNULL(podcast.forumid) AS
                            FROM forum AS forum
                            LEFT JOIN podcast A |
    | 205194 | admin_strona | localhost | admin_strona | Query   |  199
    | Sending data         | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM post WHERE dateline
    = 1278799200                                      |
    | 205243 | admin_stronap | localhost | admin_strona | Query   |  201
    | Locked               | UPDATE forum SET
            threadcount = threadcount + 1,
            replycount = replycount + 1,
            lastpost = 127886 |
    | 205264 | admin_strona | localhost | admin_strona | Query   |  138
    | Sending data         | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM post WHERE dateline
    = 1278799200                                      |
    | 205285 | admin_strona | localhost | admin_strona | Query   |  160
    | Locked               | SELECT forum.*, NOT ISNULL(podcast.forumid) AS
                            FROM forum AS forum
                            LEFT JOIN podcast A |
    | 205303 | admin_strona | localhost | admin_strona | Query   |  146
    | Locked               | SELECT forum.forumid, lastpost, lastposter,
    lastthread, lastthreadid, lasticonid, threadcount, reply |
    | 205311 | admin_strona | localhost | admin_strona | Query   |  139
    | Sorting result       | SELECT post.postid
                            FROM post AS post
                            WHERE post.threadid = 266466
                                    AND post.visible = 1 |
    | 205328 | admin_strona | localhost | admin_strona | Query   |  119
    | Sending data         | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM post WHERE dateline
    = 1278799200                                      |
    | 205337 | admin_stronaporn | localhost | admin_stronaporn | Query   |  116
    | Locked               | SELECT forum.forumid, lastpost, lastposter,
    lastthread, lastthreadid, lasticonid, threadcount, reply |
    | 205370 | admin_stronaporn | localhost | admin_stronaporn | Query   |   67
    | Locked               | SELECT forum.forumid, lastpost, lastposter,
    lastthread, lastthreadid, lasticonid, threadcount, reply |
    | 205376 | admin_stronaporn | localhost | admin_stronaporn | Sleep   |   59
    |                      | NULL                                              
    | 205377 | admin_stronaporn | localhost | admin_stronaporn | Query   |   59
    | Locked               | SELECT forum.*, NOT ISNULL(podcast.forumid) AS
                            FROM forum AS forum
                            LEFT JOIN podcast A |
    | 205390 | admin_stronaporn | localhost | admin_stronaporn | Query   |   50
    | Locked               | UPDATE forum SET
            threadcount = threadcount + 1,
            replycount = replycount + 1,
            lastpost = 127886 |
    | 205403 | admin_stronaporn | localhost | admin_stronaporn | Sleep   |   47
    |                      | NULL                                              
    | 205404 | admin_stronaporn | localhost | admin_stronaporn | Query   |   33
    | Locked               | SELECT forum.forumid, lastpost, lastposter,
    lastthread, lastthreadid, lasticonid, threadcount, reply |
    | 205417 | admin_stronaporn | localhost | admin_stronaporn | Query   |   12
    | Sending data         | SELECT * FROM thread WHERE postuserid=''          
    | 205426 | admin_stronaporn | localhost | admin_stronaporn | Query   |   10
    | Sending data         | SELECT * FROM thread WHERE postuserid=''          
    | 205430 | admin_stronaporn | localhost | admin_stronaporn | Query   |    7
    | Sending data         | SELECT * FROM thread WHERE postuserid=''          
    | 205434 | admin_stronaporn | localhost | admin_stronaporn | Query   |    3
    | Writing to net       | SELECT * FROM thread WHERE postuserid=''          
    | 205437 | admin_stronaporn | localhost | admin_stronaporn | Sleep   |    2
    |                      | NULL                                              
    | 205438 | admin_stronaporn | localhost | admin_stronaporn | Query   |    1
    | Writing to net       | SELECT socialgroup.groupid, socialgroup.name,
    socialgroup.description, socialgroup.dateline, sgicon. |
    | 205436 | da_admin         | localhost | NULL             | Query   |    0
    | NULL                 | show processlist                                  
    | 205439 | admin_stronaporn | localhost | admin_stronaporn | Query   |    0
    | Sending data         | SELECT COUNT(*) AS users,MAX(userid) AS max FROM
    user                                                |
    25 rows in set (0.07 sec)
    Prosze o pomoc , bo niewiem co zrobić z tym dalej

  2. #2
    Awatar header
    header jest nieaktywny Advanced Member
    Sep 2008
    Przydatne posty


    Spróbuj zablokować wszystkie modyfikacje, jak nie pomoże, to zamknij na chwile forum i zobacz czy obciążenie dalej skacze.
    Mój Blog

    Oferty w sprawie konfiguracji i pomocy przy vBulletin proszę kierować na PW lub GG.

    Kliknij by napisać PW
    GG : 20650

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