• Rejestracja
vBHELP.pl - polskie wsparcie vBulletin
  1. #1
    lesny jest nieaktywny Początkujący
    Oct 2009

    Domyślnie System wpisów odwiedzających

    Witam. Mam pytanie jak zmienić wszystkim naraz zapytanie zeby wszyscy mieli wpis odwiedziających na TAK ponieważ przy mojej ilości userów ciężko robić ręcznie.

  2. #2
    Awatar kalvin50
    kalvin50 jest nieaktywny Stały bywalec
    Aug 2008


    Przyłączam się do prośby

  3. #3
    swist jest nieaktywny Użytkownik
    Apr 2010


    1. Backup!

    2. SQL query:
    UPDATE user SET options = options + 8388608 WHERE NOT(options & 8388608);
    Masowa aktualizacja opcji profili użytkowników:

    Show Signatures
    On: UPDATE user SET options=options + 1 WHERE NOT(options & 1);
    Off: UPDATE user SET options=options - 1 WHERE options & 1;
    Show Avatars
    On: UPDATE user SET options=options + 2 WHERE NOT(options & 2);
    Off: UPDATE user SET options=options - 2 WHERE options & 2;
    Show Images
    On: UPDATE user SET options=options + 4 WHERE NOT(options & 4);
    Off: UPDATE user SET options=options - 4 WHERE options & 4;
    COPPA User
    Yes: UPDATE user SET options=options + 8 WHERE NOT(options & 8);
    No: UPDATE user SET options=options - 8 WHERE options & 8;
    Receive Admin Emails
    On: UPDATE user SET options=options + 16 WHERE NOT(options & 16);
    Off: UPDATE user SET options=options - 16 WHERE options & 16;
    vCard Download
    On: UPDATE user SET options=options + 32 WHERE NOT(options & 32);
    Off: UPDATE user SET options=options - 32 WHERE options & 32;
    DST Auto-Correct
    On: UPDATE user SET options=options + 64 WHERE NOT(options & 64);
    Off: UPDATE user SET options=options - 64 WHERE options & 64;
    DST On/Off
    On: UPDATE user SET options=options + 128 WHERE NOT(options & 128);
    Off: UPDATE user SET options=options - 128 WHERE options & 128;
    Show Email Address
    On: UPDATE user SET options=options + 256 WHERE NOT(options & 256);
    Off: UPDATE user SET options=options - 256 WHERE options & 256;
    On: UPDATE user SET options=options + 512 WHERE NOT(options & 512);
    Off: UPDATE user SET options=options - 512 WHERE options & 512;
    Show Reputation
    On: UPDATE user SET options=options + 1024 WHERE NOT(options & 1024);
    Off: UPDATE user SET options=options - 1024 WHERE options & 1024;
    Receive PMs 
    On: UPDATE user SET options=options + 2048 WHERE NOT(options & 2048);
    Off: UPDATE user SET options=options - 2048 WHERE options & 2048;
    Get email for new PMs
    On: UPDATE user SET options=options + 4096 WHERE NOT(options & 4096);
    Off: UPDATE user SET options=options - 4096 WHERE options & 4096;
    Show New Private Message Notification Pop-up
    On: UPDATE user SET pmpopup = 1;
    Off: UPDATE user SET pmpopup = 0;
    Post Order
    Newest first: UPDATE user SET options=options + 32768 WHERE NOT(options & 32768);
    Oldest first: UPDATE user SET options=options - 32768 WHERE options & 32768;
    Receive Private Messages only from Buddies
    On: UPDATE user SET options=options + 131072 WHERE NOT(options & 131072);
    Off: UPDATE user SET options=options - 131072 WHERE options & 131072;
    Show User CSS on Profiles
    On: UPDATE user SET options=options + 1048576 WHERE NOT(options & 1048576);
    Off: UPDATE user SET options=options - 1048576 WHERE options & 1048576;
    Enable Visitor Messages
    On: UPDATE user SET options=options + 8388608 WHERE NOT(options & 8388608);
    Off: UPDATE user SET options=options - 8388608 WHERE options & 8388608;
    Limit Visitor Messages to Contacts
    On: UPDATE user SET options=options + 16777216 WHERE NOT(options & 16777216);
    Off: UPDATE user SET options=options - 16777216 WHERE options & 16777216;
    Save Copy of PMs by Default
    On: UPDATE user SET options=options + 33554432 WHERE NOT(options & 33554432);
    Off: UPDATE user SET options=options - 33554432 WHERE options & 33554432;
    Dodatkowe zapytania nie regulowane za pomocą bitów w opcjach:

    Additional queries that aren't covered by the options bitfield:
    Thread Display Mode
    Linear: UPDATE user SET threadedmode=0;
    Threaded: UPDATE user SET threadedmode=1;
    Hybrid: UPDATE user SET threadedmode=2;
    Popup on new PM
    On: UPDATE user SET pmpopup=1;
    Off: UPDATE user SET pmpopup=0;
    Default daysprune setting
    UPDATE user SET daysprune=X;
    where X is the number of days.
    UPDATE user SET languageid=X;
    where X is the ID of the language (you can get this from the admin CP).
    UPDATE user SET styleid=X;
    where X is the ID of the style (you can get this from the admin CP).
    First day of the week
    UPDATE user SET startofweek=X;
    where X is a number 1 through 7 indicating the first day of the week (with 1 being Sunday, 2 being Monday, etc.).
    Message Editor Interface
    Do Not Show Editor Toolbar: UPDATE user SET showvbcode=0;
    Show Standard Editor Toolbar: UPDATE user SET showvbcode=1;
    Show Enhanced (WYSIWYG) Editor Toolbar: UPDATE user SET showvbcode=2;
    Thread subscription/email notification defaults
    Do not subscribe: UPDATE user SET autosubscribe = -1;
    Subscribe without notification: UPDATE user SET autosubscribe = 0;
    Instant email: UPDATE user SET autosubscribe = 1;
    Daily email: UPDATE user SET autosubscribe = 2;
    Weekly email: UPDATE user SET autosubscribe = 3;
    Show Birthday
    Hide Age & Date of Birth: UPDATE user SET showbirthday = 0;
    Display Age: UPDATE user SET showbirthday = 1;
    Display Age & Date of Birth: UPDATE user SET showbirthday = 2;
    UPDATE user SET timezoneoffset = X;
    where X is the GMT value (0, 2, -5, ...)
    Allow use of admin-set custom avatar
    On: UPDATE user SET adminoptions=adminoptions + 1 WHERE NOT(adminoptions & 1);
    Off: UPDATE user SET adminoptions=adminoptions - 1 WHERE adminoptions & 1;
    Allow use of admin-set custom profile picture
    On: UPDATE user SET adminoptions=adminoptions + 2 WHERE NOT(adminoptions & 2);
    Off: UPDATE user SET adminoptions=adminoptions - 2 WHERE adminoptions & 2;
    Zapytania modyfikujące ustawienia dla wszystkich for:

    Forum specific queries 
    Make all forums active/inactive:
    Active: UPDATE forum SET options=options + 1 WHERE NOT(options & 1);
    Inactive: UPDATE forum SET options=options - 1 WHERE (options & 1);
    Open/Close all forums for new posts:
    Open: UPDATE forum SET options=options + 2 WHERE NOT(options & 2);
    Close: UPDATE forum SET options=options - 2 WHERE (options & 2);
    Set all forums to act as categories/forums:
    Act as forums: UPDATE forum SET options=options + 4 WHERE NOT(options & 4);
    Act as categories:UPDATE forum SET options=options - 4 WHERE (options & 4);
    Turn on/off Post Moderation for all forums:
    On: UPDATE forum SET options=options + 8 WHERE NOT(options & 8);
    Off: UPDATE forum SET options=options - 8 WHERE (options & 8);
    Turn on/off Thread Moderation for all forums:
    On: UPDATE forum SET options=options + 16 WHERE NOT(options & 16);
    Off: UPDATE forum SET options=options - 16 WHERE (options & 16);
    Turn on/off Attachment Moderation for all forums:
    On: UPDATE forum SET options=options + 32 WHERE NOT(options & 32);
    Off: UPDATE forum SET options=options - 32 WHERE (options & 32);
    Turn on/off BBCode for all forums:
    On: UPDATE forum SET options=options + 64 WHERE NOT(options & 64);
    Off: UPDATE forum SET options=options - 64 WHERE (options & 64);
    Turn on/off Images for all forums:
    On: UPDATE forum SET options=options + 128 WHERE NOT(options & 128);
    Off: UPDATE forum SET options=options - 128 WHERE (options & 128);
    Turn on/off HTML for all forums:
    On: UPDATE forum SET options=options + 256 WHERE NOT(options & 256);
    Off: UPDATE forum SET options=options - 256 WHERE (options & 256);
    Turn on/off Smilies for all forums:
    On: UPDATE forum SET options=options + 512 WHERE NOT(options & 512);
    Off: UPDATE forum SET options=options - 512 WHERE (options & 512);
    Turn on/off Post Icons for all forums:
    On: UPDATE forum SET options=options + 1024 WHERE NOT(options & 1024);
    Off: UPDATE forum SET options=options - 1024 WHERE (options & 1024);
    Turn on/off Thread Rating for all forums:
    On: UPDATE forum SET options=options + 2048 WHERE NOT(options & 2048);
    Off: UPDATE forum SET options=options - 2048 WHERE (options & 2048);
    Turn on/off Post Counting for all forums:
    On: UPDATE forum SET options=options + 4096 WHERE NOT(options & 4096);
    Off: UPDATE forum SET options=options - 4096 WHERE (options & 4096);
    Set 'Can have Password' on/off for all forums:
    On: UPDATE forum SET options=options + 8192 WHERE NOT(options & 8192);
    Off: UPDATE forum SET options=options - 8192 WHERE (options & 8192);
    Turn on/off Search Indexing for all forums:
    On: UPDATE forum SET options=options + 16384 WHERE NOT(options & 16384);
    Off: UPDATE forum SET options=options - 16384 WHERE (options & 16384);
    Turn on/off Style Overriding for all forums:
    On: UPDATE forum SET options=options + 32768 WHERE NOT(options & 32768);
    Off: UPDATE forum SET options=options - 32768 WHERE (options & 32768);
    If this is turned On, then the styleid should be updated for all the forums as well, by running this query, where X is the styleid number:UPDATE forum SET styleid = X;
    Turn on/off 'Show on ForumJump Menu' for all forums:
    On: UPDATE forum SET options=options + 65536 WHERE NOT(options & 65536);
    Off: UPDATE forum SET options=options - 65536 WHERE (options & 65536);
    Change 'Default Sort Field' for all forums:
    Thread Title: UPDATE forum SET defaultsortfield = 'title';
    Last Post Time: UPDATE forum SET defaultsortfield = 'lastpost';
    Thread Start Time: UPDATE forum SET defaultsortfield = 'dateline';
    Number of Replies: UPDATE forum SET defaultsortfield = 'replycount';
    Number of Views: UPDATE forum SET defaultsortfield = 'viewcount';
    Thread Starter: UPDATE forum SET defaultsortfield = 'postusername';
    Thread Rating: UPDATE forum SET defaultsortfield = 'voteavg';
    Change 'Default Sort Order' for all forums:
    Descending: UPDATE forum SET defaultsortorder = 'desc';
    Ascending: UPDATE forum SET defaultsortorder = 'asc';
    Z oficjalnego supportu, dotyczy wersji 3.8


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