• Rejestracja
vBHELP.pl - polskie wsparcie vBulletin
  1. #1
    triggers jest nieaktywny Użytkownik
    Nov 2009

    Domyślnie vbms mail system problem

    Witam mam problem przeniosłem forum na serwer home.pl i mam problem z dodatkiem vbms mail system

    Warning: mail() [function.mail<[path]a>]: Bad parameters to mail() function, mail not sent. in [path]includes[path]vbms_class_mail_message.php on line 556

    na poprzednim serwerze wszystko działało poprawnie jeszcze to mnie ciekawi że w opcjach vbms jest wyślij testowy mail i wysyła poprawnie macie może jakieś rozwiązanie.

  2. #2
    triggers jest nieaktywny Użytkownik
    Nov 2009


    Nie mogę edytować więc pisze drugiego posta

    Odnośnie vbms w php info na home.pl jest

    sendmail_from no value
    może to jest problemem

    dodaje też edycję pliku vbms_class_mail_message.php

    * Defines vbms_mail_message, a class that simultaneously represents a single
    * e-mail message and includes functionality to send that message via PHP's
    * standard mail() function, complete with a variety of MIME headers ranging
    * from message priorities to attachments.<br>
    * All messages contain both text and HTML versions of the message using
    * multipart MIME components.<br>
    * <br>
    * This code and all versions and releases of the vBulletin Mail System are
    * protected by United States and international copyright and intellectual
    * property protection laws. Distributing or otherwise manipulating this code
    * not explicitly allowed as approved by written consent of the original author
    * is a felony under United States law and illegal under international law and
    * can result in jailtime and criminal prosecution.<br>
    * <br>
    * Anyone found to be violating this agreement will face criminal charges,
    * regardless of age or nationality.<br>
    * <br>
    * Copyright © 2003 - 2006 Arien Talabac.
    * @package vBMS2
    /** */

    require_once(DIR . "/includes/vbms_functions.php");
    require_once(DIR . "/includes/functions.php");
    require_once(DIR . "/includes/functions_wysiwyg.php");
    require_once(DIR . "/includes/class_bbcode.php");

    define("VBMS_CRLF", "\r\n");
    define("VBMS_MAIL_CHARSET", "iso-8859-1");
    define("VBMS_MAIL_MESSAGE_ENCODING", "7bit");

    * Represents a single e-mail message constructed by vBMS.
    * To use this class, use all of the set methods, call apply_options(), then
    * add_attachment(), then send() to send it.
    * @author Arien Talabac
    class vbms_mail_message
    * Recipient.
    * @var string
    var $to;
    * From username.
    * @var string
    var $fromusername;
    * From alias.
    * @var string
    var $fromalias;
    * BB code of the message.
    * @var string
    var $bbcode;
    * HTML code of the message (set when construct_message_html() is called)
    * @var string
    * @see construct_message_html()
    var $html;
    * Message subject.
    * @var string
    var $subject;
    * List of attachments.
    * @var array
    var $attachments = array();
    * Priority of the message.
    * @var integer
    var $xpriority = VBMS_XPRIORITY_NORMAL;
    * Stack of MIME message boundaries.
    * @var array
    var $boundarystack = array();

    * Starts a new MIME boundary level in the format
    * "vbms-multipart-delimiter-leveln-x" where n is the level (0 being the
    * lowest) and x is a random 32-character hex string. Closing and reopening
    * a level will generate a new random hex string.
    * @return string the new boundary
    * @access private
    function open_boundary()
    $delim = "vbms-multipart-delimiter-level" . sizeof($this->boundarystack) . "-" . rand(10000, 99999);
    array_push($this->boundarystack, $delim);

    return $delim;

    * Closes the current bondary. If the boundary stack is empty, an error is
    * generated.
    * @return string the current boundary after closing the highest-level one
    * @access private
    function close_boundary()
    if (empty($this->boundarystack))
    trigger_error("Tried to pop empty MIME multipart boundary stack", E_USER_ERROR);
    return $this->get_current_boundary();

    * Gets the current MIME boundary delimiter or raises an error if the stack
    * is empty.
    * @return string current MIME boundary
    * @access private
    function get_current_boundary()
    if (empty($this->boundarystack))
    trigger_error("Boundary stack is empty", E_USER_ERROR);
    return $this->boundarystack[sizeof($this->boundarystack) - 1];

    * Sets the recipients of this message.
    * @param array $to list of RFC-compliant recpients
    * @return void
    * @access public
    function set_recipients($to)
    $this->to = $this->clean_newlines($to);

    * Sets the sender of this message.
    * @param string $alias alias of the sending user
    * @param string $username username of the sending user
    * @return void
    * @access public
    function set_from($alias, $username)
    $this->fromalias = $this->clean_newlines($alias);
    $this->fromusername = $this->clean_newlines($username);

    * Sets the subject of this message.
    * @param string $subject subject of the message
    * @return void
    * @access public
    function set_subject($subject)
    $this->subject = $this->clean_newlines($subject);

    * Sets the body of this message.
    * @param string $message body of this message
    * @return void
    * @access public
    function set_message_bbcode($bbcode)
    $this->bbcode = $bbcode;

    * Modifies the previously set message body with the given arguments.
    * @param string $signature empty to not modify the message with a signature, otherwise
    * add the signature to the end of the user's message
    * @param boolean $rewritesignature true to strip vB code from the above
    * signature (<strong>deprecated; ignored as of vBMS 2.5.0
    * pre-final</strong>
    * @param boolean $addtrailer true to add the vBMS trailer option to the end of the
    * entire message
    * @return void
    * @access public
    function apply_options($signature, $rewritesignature, $addtrailer, $addabuseleader)
    global $vbulletin, $vbphrase;

    if (!empty($signature))
    $this->bbcode .= "{hr}$signature";

    if ($addtrailer)
    $this->bbcode .= "{hr}" . $vbulletin->options['vbms_messagetrailer'];

    if ($addabuseleader)
    $abuseemail = $vbulletin->options['vbms_abuse_address'];
    if (!empty($abuseemail))
    $contacttext = construct_phrase(
    $vbulletin->options['bburl'], $abuseemail);
    $contacttext = construct_phrase(
    $text = construct_phrase($vbphrase['abuse_leader_text'],
    $vbulletin->options['bburl'], $contacttext);
    $this->bbcode = $text . "{hr}" . $this->bbcode;

    * Sets the X-Priority of this message (one of the VBMS_XPRIORITY constants).
    * @param integer $xpriority X-Priority of the message
    * @return void
    * @access public
    function set_xpriority($xpriority)
    $this->xpriority = intval($xpriority);

    * Adds an attachment to this message.
    * @param string $filename name of the file being attached
    * @param string $data data of that file
    * @param string $mimetype MIME type of the message
    * @return void
    * @access public
    function add_attachment($filename, $data, $mimetype)
    array_push($this->attachments, array("filename" => $filename,
    "data" => $data, "mimetype" => $mimetype));

    * Strips newlines from $s.
    * @param string $s string from which to strip newlines
    * @return string $s with newlines stripped
    * @access private
    function clean_newlines($s)
    $s = str_replace("\n", "", $s);
    $s = str_replace("\r", "", $s);

    return $s;

    * Generates a pseudo-random MIME multipart delimiter for separating parts of
    * a multipart MIME message.
    * @return string a pseudo-random string delimiting parts of a multipart MIME message
    * @access private
    function generate_multipart_delimiter()
    return "vbms-multipart-delimiter" . mt_rand();

    * Creates MIME headers from a map of attributes; the keys are the attribute
    * names, the values are the attribute values.
    * @param array $headermap map of headers
    * @return string MIME headers
    * @access private
    function create_mime_headers(&$headermap)
    $headers = "";

    foreach ($headermap as $key => $value)
    $headers .= "$key: $value" . VBMS_CRLF;

    return $headers;

    * Converts BB code to plain text via strip_bbcode().
    * @param string $bbcode BB code to convert
    * @return string plain-text representation of $bbcode
    * @access private
    * @see strip_bbcode()
    function bbcode_to_plain_text($bbcode)
    global $vbulletin;

    return unhtmlspecialchars(strip_bbcode(str_replace("{hr}" , "\n___________________________\n", $bbcode)));

    * Creates the HTML for this message. The final code is based off the
    * template VBMS_MESSAGE_SHELL.
    * @param mixed $previewtype same as specified in vbms_api_send_message()
    * @return string message's final HTML
    * @access public
    * @see vbms_api_send_message()
    function construct_message_html($previewtype = false)
    global $vbulletin, $vbphrase, $stylevar;

    $title = htmlspecialchars_uni($this->subject);

    $ispreview = ($previewtype !== false);

    if ($previewtype == "html" or !$ispreview)
    $basehref = $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . "/";

    $parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
    $html = $parser->parse($this->bbcode);
    $html = str_replace("{hr}", "<hr />", $html);

    $this->html = $html;
    else if ($previewtype == "plaintext")
    $html = nl2br(wordwrap($this->bbcode_to_plain_text($this->bbcode), 80));
    else if ($ispreview)
    trigger_error("Invalid preview type &quot;" .
    htmlspecialchars_uni($previewtype) . "&quot; specified in
    vbms_mail_message::construct_message_html()", E_USER_ERROR);

    eval("\$result = \"" . fetch_template("VBMS_MESSAGE_SHELL") . "\";");

    return $result;

    * Creates all the MIME headers and content for this message, including the
    * text/plain, text/html, and attachment sections.
    * @return string MIME headers and content for this message
    * @access private
    function construct_mime_message()
    global $vbphrase, $vbulletin;

    $headers = "";

    $delim = $this->open_boundary();

    $hasattachments = (!empty($this->attachments));

    // create the main message headers and the non-MIME-client warning for ancient crappy e-mail clients
    $headermap = array
    "MIME-Version" => "1.0",
    "From" => "\"$this->fromalias\" <$this->fromusername" . "@" . $vbulletin->options['vbms_todomain'] . ">",
    "To" => $this->to,
    "Subject" => $this->subject,
    "Date" => date("r", TIMENOW),
    "Message-ID" => "<untracked-" . md5(rand()) . "@" . $vbulletin->options['vbms_todomain'] . ">",
    "Content-Type" => "multipart/" . ($hasattachments ? "mixed" : "alternative") . "; boundary=\"$delim\"",
    "Content-Transfer-Encoding" => VBMS_MAIL_MESSAGE_ENCODING,
    "Organization" => $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'] . " (" . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . ")",
    "X-Mailer" => vbms_human_readable_version(false),
    "X-Mailer-Info" => VBMS_URL,
    "X-Priority" => $this->xpriority,

    $abuse = $vbulletin->options['vbms_abuse_address'];
    if (!empty($abuse))
    $abuse = $this->clean_newlines($abuse);
    $headermap['Abuse-Reports-To'] = $abuse;
    $headermap['X-Report'] = $abuse;
    $headermap['X-Report-Abuse-To'] = $abuse;
    $headermap['X-Abuse-Info'] = $abuse;
    $headermap['X-Complaints-To'] = $abuse;

    $headers .= $this->create_mime_headers($headermap);

    // add the crappy warning for non-MIME clients
    $headers .= VBMS_CRLF . str_replace("\n", VBMS_CRLF,
    wordwrap($vbphrase['multipart_mime_not_supported'])) .

    if ($hasattachments)
    // create message section
    $headers .= "--$delim" . VBMS_CRLF;
    $delim = $this->open_boundary();
    $contentmap = array
    "Content-Type" => "multipart/alternative; boundary=\"$delim\"",
    "Content-Transfer-Encoding" => VBMS_MAIL_MESSAGE_ENCODING
    $headers .= $this->create_mime_headers($contentmap) . VBMS_CRLF . VBMS_CRLF;

    // add the plain text portion
    $headers .= "--$delim" . VBMS_CRLF;
    $text = $this->bbcode_to_plain_text($this->bbcode);
    $plaintextmap = array
    "Content-Type" => "text/plain; charset=\"" . VBMS_MAIL_CHARSET . "\"",
    "Content-Transfer-Encoding" => VBMS_MAIL_MESSAGE_ENCODING,
    "Content-Disposition" => "inline"
    $headers .= $this->create_mime_headers($plaintextmap);
    $headers .= VBMS_CRLF . str_replace("\n", VBMS_CRLF, $text) . VBMS_CRLF;

    // add the HTML portion
    $headers .= VBMS_CRLF . "--$delim" . VBMS_CRLF;
    $htmlmap = array
    "Content-Type" => "text/html; charset=\"" . VBMS_MAIL_CHARSET . "\"",
    "Content-Transfer-Encoding" => VBMS_MAIL_MESSAGE_ENCODING,
    "Content-Disposition" => "inline"
    $html = $this->construct_message_html();
    $headers .= $this->create_mime_headers($htmlmap);
    $headers .= VBMS_CRLF . $html . VBMS_CRLF;

    // close message section
    // Krofh added the conditional, this line was showing up on all attachmented emails and was fine without it
    if (!$hasattachments) { $headers .= VBMS_CRLF . "--$delim--" . VBMS_CRLF; }

    if ($hasattachments)
    $delim = $this->close_boundary();

    // add attachments
    foreach ($this->attachments as $attachment)
    $filename = $attachment['filename'];
    $data = chunk_split(base64_encode($attachment['data']));
    $type = $attachment['mimetype'];

    $attachmentmap = array
    "Content-Type" => "$type; name=\"$filename\"",
    "Content-Transfer-Encoding" => "base64",
    "Content-Disposition" => "attachment; filename=\"$filename\""
    $headers .= "--$delim" . VBMS_CRLF;
    $headers .= $this->create_mime_headers($attachmentmap);
    $headers .= VBMS_CRLF . $data . VBMS_CRLF;

    $headers .= "--$delim--";

    return $headers;

    * Sends this message via PHP's mail() function immediately.
    * @param boolean $testonly true to dump the resulting headers and content of the message
    * that would have otherwise been sent, false to just send the message
    * @return mixed boolean true on success, error specified by PHP's mail() function on
    * error
    * @access public
    function send($testonly = false)
    $headers = $this->construct_mime_message() . VBMS_CRLF;

    if ($testonly)
    $headers = htmlspecialchars_uni($headers);
    // uncomment below to visually represent CR/LF
    $headers = str_replace("\r", "<span style=\"color: #CCCCCC\">CR</span>", $headers);
    $headers = str_replace("\n", "<span style=\"color: #99CCFF\">LF</span>\n", $headers);
    $headers = preg_replace("/(vbms\-multipart\-delimiter\-level)([0-9])+(\-[0-9]{5})/siU",
    "<span style=\"background-color: #FFFFCC; color: green\">" .
    "\\1<span style=\"color: red\">\\2</span>\\3</span>",
    $headers = preg_replace("/^([a-zA-Z-]+/simU",
    "<span style=\"background-color: #EEEEEE\"><b><i>\\1</i></b></span>", $headers);
    $result = mail($this->to, $this->subject, $this->html, $headers); <------------TO JEST LINIA 556 Z BŁĘDEM
    $contents = ob_get_contents();

    return ($result !== true ? $contents : true);

  3. #3
    triggers jest nieaktywny Użytkownik
    Nov 2009

    Unhappy VBMS mail system

    Nie mogę edytować więc pisze drugiego posta

    Odnośnie vbms w php info na home.pl jest

    sendmail_from no value
    może to jest problemem

    dodaje też edycję pliku vbms_class_mail_message.php

    * Defines vbms_mail_message, a class that simultaneously represents a single
    * e-mail message and includes functionality to send that message via PHP's
    * standard mail() function, complete with a variety of MIME headers ranging
    * from message priorities to attachments.<br>
    * All messages contain both text and HTML versions of the message using
    * multipart MIME components.<br>
    * <br>
    * This code and all versions and releases of the vBulletin Mail System are
    * protected by United States and international copyright and intellectual
    * property protection laws. Distributing or otherwise manipulating this code
    * not explicitly allowed as approved by written consent of the original author
    * is a felony under United States law and illegal under international law and
    * can result in jailtime and criminal prosecution.<br>
    * <br>
    * Anyone found to be violating this agreement will face criminal charges,
    * regardless of age or nationality.<br>
    * <br>
    * Copyright © 2003 - 2006 Arien Talabac.
    * @package vBMS2
    /** */

    require_once(DIR . "/includes/vbms_functions.php");
    require_once(DIR . "/includes/functions.php");
    require_once(DIR . "/includes/functions_wysiwyg.php");
    require_once(DIR . "/includes/class_bbcode.php");

    define("VBMS_CRLF", "\r\n");
    define("VBMS_MAIL_CHARSET", "iso-8859-1");
    define("VBMS_MAIL_MESSAGE_ENCODING", "7bit");

    * Represents a single e-mail message constructed by vBMS.
    * To use this class, use all of the set methods, call apply_options(), then
    * add_attachment(), then send() to send it.
    * @author Arien Talabac
    class vbms_mail_message
    * Recipient.
    * @var string
    var $to;
    * From username.
    * @var string
    var $fromusername;
    * From alias.
    * @var string
    var $fromalias;
    * BB code of the message.
    * @var string
    var $bbcode;
    * HTML code of the message (set when construct_message_html() is called)
    * @var string
    * @see construct_message_html()
    var $html;
    * Message subject.
    * @var string
    var $subject;
    * List of attachments.
    * @var array
    var $attachments = array();
    * Priority of the message.
    * @var integer
    var $xpriority = VBMS_XPRIORITY_NORMAL;
    * Stack of MIME message boundaries.
    * @var array
    var $boundarystack = array();

    * Starts a new MIME boundary level in the format
    * "vbms-multipart-delimiter-leveln-x" where n is the level (0 being the
    * lowest) and x is a random 32-character hex string. Closing and reopening
    * a level will generate a new random hex string.
    * @return string the new boundary
    * @access private
    function open_boundary()
    $delim = "vbms-multipart-delimiter-level" . sizeof($this->boundarystack) . "-" . rand(10000, 99999);
    array_push($this->boundarystack, $delim);

    return $delim;

    * Closes the current bondary. If the boundary stack is empty, an error is
    * generated.
    * @return string the current boundary after closing the highest-level one
    * @access private
    function close_boundary()
    if (empty($this->boundarystack))
    trigger_error("Tried to pop empty MIME multipart boundary stack", E_USER_ERROR);
    return $this->get_current_boundary();

    * Gets the current MIME boundary delimiter or raises an error if the stack
    * is empty.
    * @return string current MIME boundary
    * @access private
    function get_current_boundary()
    if (empty($this->boundarystack))
    trigger_error("Boundary stack is empty", E_USER_ERROR);
    return $this->boundarystack[sizeof($this->boundarystack) - 1];

    * Sets the recipients of this message.
    * @param array $to list of RFC-compliant recpients
    * @return void
    * @access public
    function set_recipients($to)
    $this->to = $this->clean_newlines($to);

    * Sets the sender of this message.
    * @param string $alias alias of the sending user
    * @param string $username username of the sending user
    * @return void
    * @access public
    function set_from($alias, $username)
    $this->fromalias = $this->clean_newlines($alias);
    $this->fromusername = $this->clean_newlines($username);

    * Sets the subject of this message.
    * @param string $subject subject of the message
    * @return void
    * @access public
    function set_subject($subject)
    $this->subject = $this->clean_newlines($subject);

    * Sets the body of this message.
    * @param string $message body of this message
    * @return void
    * @access public
    function set_message_bbcode($bbcode)
    $this->bbcode = $bbcode;

    * Modifies the previously set message body with the given arguments.
    * @param string $signature empty to not modify the message with a signature, otherwise
    * add the signature to the end of the user's message
    * @param boolean $rewritesignature true to strip vB code from the above
    * signature (<strong>deprecated; ignored as of vBMS 2.5.0
    * pre-final</strong>
    * @param boolean $addtrailer true to add the vBMS trailer option to the end of the
    * entire message
    * @return void
    * @access public
    function apply_options($signature, $rewritesignature, $addtrailer, $addabuseleader)
    global $vbulletin, $vbphrase;

    if (!empty($signature))
    $this->bbcode .= "{hr}$signature";

    if ($addtrailer)
    $this->bbcode .= "{hr}" . $vbulletin->options['vbms_messagetrailer'];

    if ($addabuseleader)
    $abuseemail = $vbulletin->options['vbms_abuse_address'];
    if (!empty($abuseemail))
    $contacttext = construct_phrase(
    $vbulletin->options['bburl'], $abuseemail);
    $contacttext = construct_phrase(
    $text = construct_phrase($vbphrase['abuse_leader_text'],
    $vbulletin->options['bburl'], $contacttext);
    $this->bbcode = $text . "{hr}" . $this->bbcode;

    * Sets the X-Priority of this message (one of the VBMS_XPRIORITY constants).
    * @param integer $xpriority X-Priority of the message
    * @return void
    * @access public
    function set_xpriority($xpriority)
    $this->xpriority = intval($xpriority);

    * Adds an attachment to this message.
    * @param string $filename name of the file being attached
    * @param string $data data of that file
    * @param string $mimetype MIME type of the message
    * @return void
    * @access public
    function add_attachment($filename, $data, $mimetype)
    array_push($this->attachments, array("filename" => $filename,
    "data" => $data, "mimetype" => $mimetype));

    * Strips newlines from $s.
    * @param string $s string from which to strip newlines
    * @return string $s with newlines stripped
    * @access private
    function clean_newlines($s)
    $s = str_replace("\n", "", $s);
    $s = str_replace("\r", "", $s);

    return $s;

    * Generates a pseudo-random MIME multipart delimiter for separating parts of
    * a multipart MIME message.
    * @return string a pseudo-random string delimiting parts of a multipart MIME message
    * @access private
    function generate_multipart_delimiter()
    return "vbms-multipart-delimiter" . mt_rand();

    * Creates MIME headers from a map of attributes; the keys are the attribute
    * names, the values are the attribute values.
    * @param array $headermap map of headers
    * @return string MIME headers
    * @access private
    function create_mime_headers(&$headermap)
    $headers = "";

    foreach ($headermap as $key => $value)
    $headers .= "$key: $value" . VBMS_CRLF;

    return $headers;

    * Converts BB code to plain text via strip_bbcode().
    * @param string $bbcode BB code to convert
    * @return string plain-text representation of $bbcode
    * @access private
    * @see strip_bbcode()
    function bbcode_to_plain_text($bbcode)
    global $vbulletin;

    return unhtmlspecialchars(strip_bbcode(str_replace("{hr}" , "\n___________________________\n", $bbcode)));

    * Creates the HTML for this message. The final code is based off the
    * template VBMS_MESSAGE_SHELL.
    * @param mixed $previewtype same as specified in vbms_api_send_message()
    * @return string message's final HTML
    * @access public
    * @see vbms_api_send_message()
    function construct_message_html($previewtype = false)
    global $vbulletin, $vbphrase, $stylevar;

    $title = htmlspecialchars_uni($this->subject);

    $ispreview = ($previewtype !== false);

    if ($previewtype == "html" or !$ispreview)
    $basehref = $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . "/";

    $parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
    $html = $parser->parse($this->bbcode);
    $html = str_replace("{hr}", "<hr />", $html);

    $this->html = $html;
    else if ($previewtype == "plaintext")
    $html = nl2br(wordwrap($this->bbcode_to_plain_text($this->bbcode), 80));
    else if ($ispreview)
    trigger_error("Invalid preview type &quot;" .
    htmlspecialchars_uni($previewtype) . "&quot; specified in
    vbms_mail_message::construct_message_html()", E_USER_ERROR);

    eval("\$result = \"" . fetch_template("VBMS_MESSAGE_SHELL") . "\";");

    return $result;

    * Creates all the MIME headers and content for this message, including the
    * text/plain, text/html, and attachment sections.
    * @return string MIME headers and content for this message
    * @access private
    function construct_mime_message()
    global $vbphrase, $vbulletin;

    $headers = "";

    $delim = $this->open_boundary();

    $hasattachments = (!empty($this->attachments));

    // create the main message headers and the non-MIME-client warning for ancient crappy e-mail clients
    $headermap = array
    "MIME-Version" => "1.0",
    "From" => "\"$this->fromalias\" <$this->fromusername" . "@" . $vbulletin->options['vbms_todomain'] . ">",
    "To" => $this->to,
    "Subject" => $this->subject,
    "Date" => date("r", TIMENOW),
    "Message-ID" => "<untracked-" . md5(rand()) . "@" . $vbulletin->options['vbms_todomain'] . ">",
    "Content-Type" => "multipart/" . ($hasattachments ? "mixed" : "alternative") . "; boundary=\"$delim\"",
    "Content-Transfer-Encoding" => VBMS_MAIL_MESSAGE_ENCODING,
    "Organization" => $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'] . " (" . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . ")",
    "X-Mailer" => vbms_human_readable_version(false),
    "X-Mailer-Info" => VBMS_URL,
    "X-Priority" => $this->xpriority,

    $abuse = $vbulletin->options['vbms_abuse_address'];
    if (!empty($abuse))
    $abuse = $this->clean_newlines($abuse);
    $headermap['Abuse-Reports-To'] = $abuse;
    $headermap['X-Report'] = $abuse;
    $headermap['X-Report-Abuse-To'] = $abuse;
    $headermap['X-Abuse-Info'] = $abuse;
    $headermap['X-Complaints-To'] = $abuse;

    $headers .= $this->create_mime_headers($headermap);

    // add the crappy warning for non-MIME clients
    $headers .= VBMS_CRLF . str_replace("\n", VBMS_CRLF,
    wordwrap($vbphrase['multipart_mime_not_supported'])) .

    if ($hasattachments)
    // create message section
    $headers .= "--$delim" . VBMS_CRLF;
    $delim = $this->open_boundary();
    $contentmap = array
    "Content-Type" => "multipart/alternative; boundary=\"$delim\"",
    "Content-Transfer-Encoding" => VBMS_MAIL_MESSAGE_ENCODING
    $headers .= $this->create_mime_headers($contentmap) . VBMS_CRLF . VBMS_CRLF;

    // add the plain text portion
    $headers .= "--$delim" . VBMS_CRLF;
    $text = $this->bbcode_to_plain_text($this->bbcode);
    $plaintextmap = array
    "Content-Type" => "text/plain; charset=\"" . VBMS_MAIL_CHARSET . "\"",
    "Content-Transfer-Encoding" => VBMS_MAIL_MESSAGE_ENCODING,
    "Content-Disposition" => "inline"
    $headers .= $this->create_mime_headers($plaintextmap);
    $headers .= VBMS_CRLF . str_replace("\n", VBMS_CRLF, $text) . VBMS_CRLF;

    // add the HTML portion
    $headers .= VBMS_CRLF . "--$delim" . VBMS_CRLF;
    $htmlmap = array
    "Content-Type" => "text/html; charset=\"" . VBMS_MAIL_CHARSET . "\"",
    "Content-Transfer-Encoding" => VBMS_MAIL_MESSAGE_ENCODING,
    "Content-Disposition" => "inline"
    $html = $this->construct_message_html();
    $headers .= $this->create_mime_headers($htmlmap);
    $headers .= VBMS_CRLF . $html . VBMS_CRLF;

    // close message section
    // Krofh added the conditional, this line was showing up on all attachmented emails and was fine without it
    if (!$hasattachments) { $headers .= VBMS_CRLF . "--$delim--" . VBMS_CRLF; }

    if ($hasattachments)
    $delim = $this->close_boundary();

    // add attachments
    foreach ($this->attachments as $attachment)
    $filename = $attachment['filename'];
    $data = chunk_split(base64_encode($attachment['data']));
    $type = $attachment['mimetype'];

    $attachmentmap = array
    "Content-Type" => "$type; name=\"$filename\"",
    "Content-Transfer-Encoding" => "base64",
    "Content-Disposition" => "attachment; filename=\"$filename\""
    $headers .= "--$delim" . VBMS_CRLF;
    $headers .= $this->create_mime_headers($attachmentmap);
    $headers .= VBMS_CRLF . $data . VBMS_CRLF;

    $headers .= "--$delim--";

    return $headers;

    * Sends this message via PHP's mail() function immediately.
    * @param boolean $testonly true to dump the resulting headers and content of the message
    * that would have otherwise been sent, false to just send the message
    * @return mixed boolean true on success, error specified by PHP's mail() function on
    * error
    * @access public
    function send($testonly = false)
    $headers = $this->construct_mime_message() . VBMS_CRLF;

    if ($testonly)
    $headers = htmlspecialchars_uni($headers);
    // uncomment below to visually represent CR/LF
    $headers = str_replace("\r", "<span style=\"color: #CCCCCC\">CR</span>", $headers);
    $headers = str_replace("\n", "<span style=\"color: #99CCFF\">LF</span>\n", $headers);
    $headers = preg_replace("/(vbms\-multipart\-delimiter\-level)([0-9])+(\-[0-9]{5})/siU",
    "<span style=\"background-color: #FFFFCC; color: green\">" .
    "\\1<span style=\"color: red\">\\2</span>\\3</span>",
    $headers = preg_replace("/^([a-zA-Z-]+/simU",
    "<span style=\"background-color: #EEEEEE\"><b><i>\\1</i></b></span>", $headers);
    $result = mail($this->to, $this->subject, $this->html, $headers); <------------TO JEST LINIA 556 Z BŁĘDEM
    $contents = ob_get_contents();

    return ($result !== true ? $contents : true);

  4. #4
    Marek jest nieaktywny Banned
    May 2008
    Where my hat is
    Przydatne posty


    Ja na moim forum takie wpisy od razu bym wywalił a autora zablokował. Niby po co komu ten kod? Zazwyczaj problem z wtyczką zgłasza się autorowi wtyczki na vBulltin.org Problem o którym piszesz jest tam także poruszany.
    Co do wtyczki z jaką masz problem - jest to już antyk. Pora by zmienić i przy okazji pozbyć się błędów.
    Ostatnio edytowane przez Marek ; 03.04.2010 o 16:03

  5. #5
    triggers jest nieaktywny Użytkownik
    Nov 2009

    Domyślnie VBMS mail system

    Wiem że problem na vbulletin był poruszany lecz nikt nie był wstanie na niego odpowiedzieć więc nie pisałem po raz kolejny pytania które już ktoś zadał a co do usuwania postów to w pierwszej kolejności usunąć należy twój post bo nic mądrego nie wniosłeś, A co do błędu to problem nie tkwi w dodatku tylko na serwerze bo ma powyłączane opcje mail i moje pytanie było jak można to obejść i dlatego umieściłem kod pliku aby osoba chętna podpowiedziała jak można zmienić parametry wysyłania wiadomości.

    Jeśli mam tutaj tylko się tłumaczyć to proszę admina o usunięcie tematu.

  6. #6
    Marek jest nieaktywny Banned
    May 2008
    Where my hat is
    Przydatne posty


    Wtyczka z którą masz problem jest już antykiem. Napisana była do wersji 3.6.5 Ostatnia aktualizacja autora wtyczki - 15 Mar 2007. Prawdopodobnie masz dużo nowszą wersję vBulletin która nie jest kompatybilna z tą wersją wtyczki. Główną zasadą jest instalacja tylko wtyczki kompatybilnej z wersją vBulletin. A co do kodu to można go umieścić w załączniku. Wątpię by to miało jakikolwiek sens - bo któż zechce analizować cudzą wtyczkę i aktualizować ją do najnowszej wersji vBulletin?

  7. #7
    triggers jest nieaktywny Użytkownik
    Nov 2009


    Dziękuję za odpowiedż

    Wiesz po instalacji wtyczka działała poprawnie na serwerze host4u.pl tylko przeniosłem forum na home.pl i pojawił się ten problem bo u nich nie można wysyłać maili PHP mail() nie wiem dlaczego kiedyś maiłem joomle na ich serwerze i miałem mase problemów, dla bezpieczeństwa mają po wyłączane niektóre opcje i teraz mnie znowu podkusiło iść na home.pl.

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