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vBHELP.pl - polskie wsparcie vBulletin
  1. #1
    Awatar Rider
    Rider jest nieaktywny Użytkownik
    Nov 2008

    Domyślnie Update do VB4

    Database error in vBulletin 4.0.0:

    Invalid SQL:

    SELECT postid
    FROM mst_post AS post
    INNER JOIN mst_thread AS thread ON(thread.threadid = post.threadid)
    WHERE post.userid = 4200
    AND post.post_thanks_amount != 0
    AND thread.forumid IN(10,117,122,344,396,74,11,380,98,165,366,164,8,2 8,162,158,159,160,161,241,385,9,429,431,430,427,42 8,425,7,31,171,170,168,169,172,173,174,175,638,40, 6,123,230,228,229,231,232,223,221,222,224,225,242, 435,345,433,43,320,45,234,235,236,237,238,239,393, 46,5,47,48,14,112,63,227,138,139,140,141,400,434,6 6,67,68,132,133,134,69,126,127,128,129,130,131,70, 71,72,144,145,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,240,321, 90,142,91,143,92,137,267,268,376,269,270,271,272,2 73,274,275,276,277,278,279,280,317,318,364,281,282 ,283,284,286,377,292,319,293,294,295,296,297,298,2 99,375,622,623,625,624,300,301,302,303,305,306,307 ,404,403,308,309,394,580,581,582,583,584,585,586,5 87,588,406,408,409,467,468,474,626,589,590,591,592 ,593,594,595,596,597,598,599,600,601,602,613,611,6 12,610,603,604,607,608,609,606,615,614,605,616,617 ,618,619,620,621,16,136,214,213,212,211,207,209,20 6,210,208,266,481,578,482,483,484,485,80,348,346,3 47,359,349,350,352,355,360,323,362,381,382,383,384 ,438,452,446,447,448,449,450,451,475,476,477,478,4 79,480,566,567,568,569,570,571,572,573,574,575,576 ,577,82,469,470,471,472,473,84,85,86,412,413,520,5 47,550,551,549,548,521,522,523,524,525,554,555,556 ,557,558,559,526,553,552,527,533,534,535,536,528,5 43,538,539,540,541,542,561,529,546,545,544,530,560 ,562,563,564,531,532,18,453,95,154,155,156,96,97)
    ORDER BY post.dateline DESC
    LIMIT 1000;

    MySQL Error : Unknown column 'post.post_thanks_amount' in 'where clause'
    Error Number : 1054
    Request Date : Thursday, January 14th 2010 @ 07:36:02 PM
    Error Date : Thursday, January 14th 2010 @ 07:36:02 PM
    Script : http://xxxxxxxxx.pl/post_thanks.php?...00&language=fr
    Referrer :
    IP Address : xxxxxxxxxxxx
    Username : Nie zarejestrowany
    Classname : vB_Database
    MySQL Version :

  2. #2
    Awatar error
    error jest nieaktywny Stały bywalec
    Jul 2008
    Przydatne posty


    Wyłączyłeś wszystkie modyfikacje przed aktualizacja ?

    Jeśli się nie mylę to jakiś jest tu błąd z modyfikacja związana z podziękowaniami.

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